Wonder Woman has her cuffs, Mary Poppins had her bag of tricks — every powerful woman has her secret source of power. What is mine? I’m glad you asked. My secret source of wedding planner power is my Emergency Kit!
On a wedding day, I carry with me my own “bag of tricks,” containing the solutions to virtually any wedding day snag. Want to stock your own Emergency Kit? Below I’m listing everything I stock in my bag:
Before I do that, I thought it’d be fun to play the question game with my bag of tricks:
Most frequently used item: Spray-on Deodorant. People get smelly and sweaty on hot summer days, so this is clutch.
Most frequently used beauty item: Oil-Absorbing Sheets (super useful for outdoor photo touch ups when it’s hot out!)
Most frequently re-stocked item: Lighters! I may need to investigate more industrial-grade stick lighters because I go through dozens of these while lighting candles every season.
Biggest Emergency Kit Bag Mishap: One wedding season a few years back my crazy glue leaked in the kit, fusing many of the items in the bag together. Needless to say now I keep the crazy glue in a zip-locked bag at all times!
Item most frequently used by ME: Aveda Cooling Oil Roller. This stuff is magic. Especially on a hot summer day, a little bit of cooling oil on the back of your neck and on your temples and you’ll get a nice cool breeze-y feeling.
Ok! Are you ready? Here is the list of all of the items in my emergency kit: